Our 30th birthday celebrations as Top of The State went off very well over the weekend of 25th and 26th September 2021. After a couple rescheduled tries a good time was had by all who attended.

Our 30th birthday celebrations as Top of The State went off very well over the weekend of 25th and 26th September 2021. After a couple rescheduled tries a good time was had by all who attended.
Over 60 members gathered at the Club House on Saturday 28/11 to enjoy a catered dinner and party. Some started early with pre dinner drinks and snacks before the main meal. The president entertained members with some frivolous presentations and all who attended had a most enjoyable evening. Gerard Binder received the club person of the year award. All who attended appreciate the work done by the organisers and all involved in putting the party together.
Earlier in the day some members got together at First Shot Coffee to meet up with the crew from Blokesworld who were filming in the area.
A few pics from the Blokesworld visit on Saturday 28/11 and Mon 1/12
The 11th and 12th of July weekend saw our club host a great 2 day get together, starting with a meet up at Meerawa club house, down to Babinda bakery, visiting a owner of two Cadillac cars from the dawn of motoring, at Mirriwinni, and on to Bramston beach for a snack, and draw the poker run winner,
Returning to the club house to camp for the night, and waking to a BBQ breakfast then lunch after the meeting..Thanks to all who attended…
A HUGE thankyou to AUTOBARN for new stools donated to our clubhouse as well as some raffles prizes for the year, we don’t forget also the generous donation from Wayne Hoppen, from HOPPENS CARPETS for our new checkered floor, how good does that look…!!!
The second annual open day was held in conjunction with our meeting and AGM on 16th Feb 2020. It was another successful day although the hot weather may have deterred better attendance at the open day. The car balance was in use for the first time in about 20 years and provided good entertainment. Rod Morris who is a member of the NMC and was a student at the school many years ago presented the club with a school flag to be displayed in the clubhouse. Grant Morcom recorded the best time on the balance.
Many members had an enjoyable stay at the Lake Tinaroo Holiday Park on the weekend of 16/17th of November to attend the shed run to Mareeba, the party at the Kairi Hotel on the 16th and the monthly meeting on the 17th. Some members did not attend all weekend but came up to Mareeba for the shed run on the Saturday. It was well worth the effort to attend the shed run as we saw a great collection of Fords at Pauls sheds, all types of things mechanical at Raymond Plaths and some great WIP projects at Paul Jeromes.
Some pics from Chris Batch.
On Sunday 30th June Top Of The State hosted the annual All Clubs Sports Day at the Meerawa club house. As hosts we were joined by Members of The All American Car Club of Cairns, FNQ Restorers, Northern Motoring Club ,the Fat Bastards Car Club and the MG Car Club. The day started early with both the TOTS and AACCC beginning the day with a BBque breakfast from 8am. The venue proved ideal as there was plenty of room for all the participants and activities and plenty of parking for the cars on site. The winning club on the day was the Northern Motoring Club.
Fine weather and a good turnout made for a good weekend at Kurrimine. Plenty of bogans and sheilas at the Saturday night party with TOTS well represented. Colorful display at the show and shine on Sunday morning with a predominance of Australian vehicles with a sprinkling of hot rods and american vehicles.