Independence Day, Meet and Cruise, 2017

There was a good turn out of people and cars for the 2017 Independence Day Cruise. We all meet at the DFO car park, and after a good social get together we headed into town, did a couple of laps then headed to Zarraffa`s for coffee etc. A good nite had by all concerned, already looking forward to next year.


 It was wet but that didn’t stop us.

 Thanks REPCO for the bag of goodies

It was a good morning and Barry got some work done on his Plymouth, BONUS!


There was a good turn out of clubs for the annual combined club sports day at Goomboora Park,

Thanks to : F.N.Q. Restoration Club, American Car Club, Cairns Historic Vehicle Club, Fat Bastards Car Club and the Top of the State Car Club for combining to making it a great day.

WINNER of the day was  Gerard Binder winning both  The Wheel, and  The Spark Plug, representing Top of the State.   Kristie Partingtion won The Brakes, for the American Car Club. Julian Henry won The Ball Through the Tyre, for the Top of the State Car Club. Fat Bastards won Best Participation of members  and took home the Trophy.


Waza receiving  the trophy

American Car Club doing their thing

 T.O.T.S doing theirs.

Barry and George conducting the raffle.

The Historic and F.N.Q. Restoration Clubs enjoying the day


Unfortunately The weather wasn’t good, but we made the best of it.  Meet and great on Friday nite, a cruise on Saturday, then mardi gra that nite.  Sunday morning the car show.       As you can see George was a winner!        Life Membership was given to Damian and Liberty Eggins, for being in the club for  20 years . They also received a mounted club plaque.


It was good there was a covered BBQ area, which

became the general meeting place.




Annual Go Kart Challange

A well attended meeting was held at the Smithfield Go Cart Track and a good day was had by all.

Placing’s are : JULIAN First,    TANYA Second,    TONY O`BRIEN Third.

Who`s  Name Will Be On The Trophy Next Year?

Well done Ladies, a great lunch.

Annual Go Cart Challenge Trophy


 Best car of show Monaro GTS Coupe

congratulations Leonine Bennett

Thanks to Warren of GRYPHON the trucks out of the bog


    Greg Smith Top Custom. Ian Tempany  Charity Choice.  Scott Booker Best Holden. David McKirdy Best Ford. Darren Brooks Best American. Bob Martin Best Motorcycle. Phyllis Phillips Best Imported. Chris Batch Best Hot Rod. Tony O’Brien Best pre 50`s. Phil Heathwood Best Mopar.


   A good turnout for our first swap meet and car show, the weather came good which  helped make it a great day. A good donation will now be going to the Gordonvale Men’s Shed. Rotary was given all left over food, from which 271 meals were made, they were then given out to Street Level Youth Care.Thanks to all the club members who helped in making it such a successful event. Thanks Barry  (president) for making it all happen.