A good line up of cars at the December meeting. President Chris presented Ken Holder with the Club Member of the Year Award.

A good line up of cars at the December meeting. President Chris presented Ken Holder with the Club Member of the Year Award.
Some pics from the November Meeting.
Thanks to Andy for some of the pics.
This meeting was held at Centenary Park Mareeba and was followed by lunch at the Leagues Club then shed runs to Kevin and Sue Mcgregors and Michael Burnetts. It is always interesting to visit Kevins workshop to see what he is working on. Michael is known to many members as he did the fabrication and body work on Dippys Essex and is now working on another club members Ford Pickup. He has recently completed a replica Alfa which was on display. Michael explained that the build took him 2318 hours and is completely aluminium with the exception of the firewall and cockpit floor. the body has been completely hand formed without the use of a buck.
TOTS members gathered in the carpark at Macca’s Gordonvale for a club run to Innisfail for the annual Riverfest
Weather conditions enticed a good roll up and the group was pleasantly surprised to welcome Cruizin Magazine chief Gavin Kelso along for the ride
Our journey took us to Babinda for lunch before heading to Innisfail
Before arriving at Riverfest a detour was made to showcase the vehicles on display to a club members Mum who at the age of 96 still lives at home by herself.
The club displayed their cars alongside other local car enthusiast which created a lot of interest from the public
Car of the show was won by club member Colin Johnson with his 1932 Ford
The following day Sunday several club members gathered at our Meerawa clubhouse for a photo shoot with Gav from Cruisin Mag.
Gavin was pleasantly surprised with the clubhouse and was presented with a club numberplate by President Chris Batch
Cheers Des
Thanks to Andy from FBCC, Wim Materman and Innisfail Riverfest for some of the pics from their facebook sites.
The Sports day was held at the TOTS clubhouse on 30/6/24 and organised by the Northern Motoring Club. TOTS were winners of the day.
A good turnout of TOTS members at the event on 15th June 2024. Pics of TOTS members cars and a few others.
Some TOTS members vehicles and others at the show. Thanks to the FBCC and AACCC Facebook pages for some of the photos.
To those of us from “the old Farts” Friday coffee mornings, who knew Brian “Grumpy” Machen, we record our condolences to his wife Marilyn and family on the passing of Brian on 12 May 2024, after a very short illness.
Brian and Marilyn had moved to Cairns from NZ only a couple of years ago and were members of the All American Club Inc. Brian was involved with cars all his life in work and play and will be sorely missed. Brian owned a 1961 F100, dark blue, with “Grumpy” painted on the doors. Geoff Pellert
20 year and life membership recognition for Les Hicks at the April monthly meeting.
Geoff Pellett recently presented Autobarn with a Certificate of Appreciation for there donations of items for the 2023 Christmas Party. Thanks Geoff and thanks Autobarn.